10 Japanese Idioms With EYE

As you may know, there are tons of Japanese idioms and expressions with the names of body parts. Today, let’s look at 10 commonly used idioms with 目, the EYE.

目を通す Skim through

[me o toosu] Literally: To let the eyes pass.

Please read through the papers by tomorrow.

I just quickly skimmed this book, it looks interesting!

目がない Be crazy about something

[me ga nai] Literally: There is no eye.

I’m crazy about sweets and I eat them every day.

My wife is obsessed with shiny things so I gifted her a jeweled ring on her birthday this year.

目が冴える Be totally awake

[me ga saeru] Literally: The eyes become wakeful.

I feel awake and cannot fall asleep.

I’m getting to feel awake as I drank some coffee earlier.

目が離せない Cannot take the eyes off

[me ga hanase nai] Literally: Cannot detach the eyes.

I cannot take my eyes off my 1-year-old son as he is interested in many things and tries to put everything in his mouth.

This film has a very interesting storyline and was very gripping until the end!

白い目で見る Look coldly

[shiroi me de miru] Literally: To watch with white eyes.

I was talking on the phone in Japan and people gave me a dirty look.

My father was watching with a cold eye the news about the repeated politicians’ corruption cases on TV.

長い目で見る Take a long-range view

[nagai me de miru] Literally: To see with the long eyes.

In the long term, I think it’s better to buy higher quality clothes even if they are expensive.

In order to make my business a success, I will do the necessary steps with a long-term perspective.

見る目がある Have an eye for something

[Miru me ga aru] Literally: To have the eyes to see.

Kobayashi-san’s husband is a kind and nice person, isn’t he? She has a good eye for men.

That director has an eye for recruiting. All the people she hired are gradually leveling up their careers.

目が回る Feel dizzy, giddy

[me ga mawaru] Literally: The eyes turn around.

Every day, I’m crazily busy. 

I got dizzy after running in the heat wave.

目が点になる Look surprised or amazed

[me ga ten ni naru] Literally: The eyes become a dot.

Mr. Arai said something besides the point during the meeting and everybody looks amazed.

My friend was so surprised by such a powerful street performance.

大目に見る To be tolerant, overlook someone’s mistake

[oome ni miru] Literally: To see as a big eye.

I will overlook your mistake this time as it was not a big one, but be cautious next time.

I made a mistake at work but my boss kindly tolerated this time. I will be extra cautious from now on.

Featured photo by Richard Štefún from Pexels

