12 SAKURA Vocabulary Words


  1. ▶︎桜(さくら)/sakura/ Cherry blossoms
    今年も桜がきれいですね。/kotoshi mo sakura ga kiree desu ne/ The cherry blossoms are beautiful again this year, aren’t they?
  2. ▶︎桜の木(さくらのき)/sakura no ki/ Cherry tree
    あの公園には桜の木がたくさんあります。/ano kooen ni wa sakura no ki ga takusan arimasu/ There are a lot of cherry trees in that park.
  3. ▶︎花見(はなみ)/hanami/ Cherry blossom viewing
    来月一緒に花見をしませんか?/raigetsu issho ni hanami o shimasen ka/ Would you like to go to see some sakura together next month?
  4. ▶︎花びら(はなびら)/hanabira/ Petals
    川に桜の花びらがたくさん落ちています。/kawa ni sakura no hanabira ga takusan ochite imasu/ There are many sakura petals fallen on the river.
  5. ▶︎開花(かいか)/kaika/ Blooming
    今年はちょっと寒いので、桜の開花が遅れています。/kotoshi wa chotto samui no de sakura no kaika ga okurete imasu/ It’s a little colder this year, so it has been late for the sakura to bloom.
  6. ▶︎桜前線(さくらぜんせん)/sakura zensen/ “Cherry blossom front” – it literally means “cherry blossom front line” which is the forecast of flowering and full bloom dates. It’s an expression to describe the progress of cherry blossom buds. You can see sakura across the country, but flowering dates depend on the area as the warmer the climate, the earlier the cherry blossoms bloom. This normally happens from the south through the north. 
  7. ▶︎夜桜(よざくら)/yozakura/ Cherry blossoms by night
    目黒川の夜桜は本当に美しいです。/meguro gawa no yozakura wa hontoo ni utsukushii desu/ The cherry blossoms at night by river Meguro are truly beautiful.
  8. ▶︎桜並木(さくらなみき)/sakura namiki/ A row of cherry trees
    あそこの桜並木を散歩しましょう。/asoko no sakura namiki o sanpo shimashoo/ Let’s take a walk along a row of the cherry trees over there.
  9. ▶︎桜名所(さくらめいしょ)/sakura meesho/ A place known for its cherry blossoms
    関西の桜名所はどこですか?/kansai no sakura meesho wa doko desu ka/ Where are the famous spots for sakura in Kansai region?
  10. ▶︎桜の見ごろ(さくらのみごろ)/sakura no migoro/ Cherry blossoms at their best (to watch)
    そろそろ桜の見ごろですね。/sorosoro sakura no migoro desu ne/ Soon it will be the best timing to see the cherry blossoms.
  11. ▶︎桜が散る(さくらがちる)/sakura ga chiru/ The cherry blossoms fall
    雨が降って、桜が散ってしまいました。/ame ga futte sakura ga chitte shimai mashita/ Unfortunately the sakura petals fell because of the rain.
  12. ▶︎満開(まんかい)/mankai/ In full bloom
    桜が満開です!/sakura ga mankai desu/ The cherry blossoms are in full bloom!

一分咲き /ichibu zaki/ Just starting to bloom
二分咲き /nibu zaki/ 20% in bloom
三分咲き /sanbu zaki/ 30% in bloom
四分咲き /yonbu zaki/ 40% in bloom
五分咲き /gobu zaki/ In half bloom
六分咲き /rokubu zaki/ 60% in bloom
七分咲き/shichibu zaki/ 70% in bloom
八分咲き /hachibu zaki/ 80% in bloom
九分咲き /kyuubu zaki/ 90% in bloom
満開 /mankai/ In full bloom
▶︎ここの桜はまだ三分咲きくらいですね。/koko no sakura wa mada sanbu zaki kurai desu ne/ The cherry blossoms here are still about 30% in bloom.

