15 Japanese Idioms With MOUTH

Let’s look at the Japanese idioms with 口 – Mouth!

1. 口先だけ(いいことを言う)

/kuchi-saki dake/
Literally means? Only the lips
Actually means: Pay lip service to someone

/kare wa kuchi-saki dake no hito da yo/
His talk is cheap.

2. 口を挟む

/kuchi o hasamu/
Literally means? To put mouth in between (something)
Actually means: To interrupt 

/mada hanashiteru node kuchi o hasamanai de hoshi-i desu/
I’m still talking so please do not interrupt. 
*Careful, this phrase can sound a little too direct and impolite! 

3. 口を割る

/kuchi o waru/
Literally means? To crack a mouth
Actually means: (Finally) tell the truth, confess

/zutto damatte ita yoogisha ga yooyaku kuchi o warimashita/
The suspect finally started telling the truth after being silent for a while.

4. 口を閉ざす

/kuchi o tozasu/
Literally means? To make a mouth shut
Actually means: Try not to say anything and stay silent

/ano ko wa kesa kara kuchi o tozashita mama desu/
That child has been silent since this morning. 

5. 口を酸っぱくする

/kuchi o suppaku suru/
Literally means? To make a mouth sour
Actually means: To tell someone over and over again

/uchi ni kaette kitara sugu ni te o arau yoo ni itsumo kuchi o suppaku shiteiru noni musuko wa nakanaka iukoto o kikimasen/
I have always been telling my son to wash his hands as soon as he gets home but he doesn’t listen to me.

6. 口を出す

/kuchi o dasu/
Literally means? To put out the mouth
Actually means: To interfere

/tanin no koto ni kuchi o dasanai hoo ga i-i desu yo/
You know, it’s better not to poke your nose into other people’s business.

7. 口を合わせる(口裏を合わせる)

/kuchi (kuchi-ura) o awaseru/
Literally means? To put the mouth together
Actually means: To arrange a story to not contradict each other about the problem

/ano futari wa kuchi-ura o awasete ita mitai desu/
It looks like they arranged the story behind our backs.

8. 口にする

/kuchi ni suru/
Literally means? To do to the mouth
Actually means:
1. To speak of something
2. To eat or drink something

/kare no mae de ano koto o kuchi ni shinaide kudasai/
Please don’t mention that in front of him.

/kinoo kara shokuyoku ga nakute nani mo kuchi ni shiteimasen/
I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday as I don’t have any appetite. 

9. 口に合う

/kuchi ni au/
Literally means? To suit the mouth
Actually means: Something tastes agreeable 

/kore yokattara tabete kudasai. o-kuchi ni au to ii n desu kedo/
Please eat this if you like. I hope it’s tasty. 

10. 口が裂けても(+言えない)

/kuchi ga sakete mo (ienai)/
Literally means? Even if my mouth is split...
Actually means: No matter what (I cannot disclose)

/ano koto wa kuchi ga sakete mo ienai/
I can never disclose it no matter what. 

11. 口がうまい

/kuchi ga umai/
Literally means? The mouth is tasty
Actually means: To be fair-spoken

/kare wa eegyoo nanode kuchi ga umai desu/
He is a salesperson so good at convincing people. 

12. 口が軽い

/kuchi ga karui/
Literally means? The mouth is light
Actually means: To have a big mouth, cannot keep secrets

/ano hito wa kuchi ga karui kara himitsu wa hanasanai hoo ga i-i na/
I think I shouldn’t tell him my secrets because he has a loose tongue.

13. 口が堅い

/kuchi ga katai/
Literally means? The mouth is tough
Actually means: To be tight-lipped, to be good at keeping secrets

/watashi no shinyuu wa kuchi ga katai node nandemo soodan dekimasu/
My best friend is high-lipped so I can tell her anything. 

14. 口が悪い

/kuchi ga warui/
Literally means? The mouth is bad
Actually means: To have a bitter and nasty tongue 

/ano shachoo wa yuunoo desu ga shooshoo kuchi ga warui n desu yo ne/
That company CEO is a person of ability but has a little nasty tongue. 

15. 口が滑る

/kuchi ga suberu/
Literally means? The mouth slips
Actually means: To make a slip of the tongue

/kuchi ga subette eega no ketsumatsu o itte shimatta/
I accidentally said how the film ends.

