5 Japanese Spring Expressions

Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash


Spring breeze. Warm winds that blow from the east or south.


To become more spring-like

日増ひましにはるめいてきましたね。」It’s getting more like spring day by day, isn’t it?

花より団子(はなより だんご)Saying

Dumplings rather than flowers. Pudding before praise. Bread is better than the song of the birds.

It is a metaphor for choosing pragmatism over elegance. Which one are you?

春眠暁を覚えず(しゅんみん あかつきを おぼえず)Expression

“In spring we are liable to oversleep without noticing dawn breaking.”

It means that spring nights are short and comfortable to sleep in, and it is difficult to wake up at dawn.

冬来たりなば春遠からじ(ふゆ きたりなば はる とおからじ)Proverb

“If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”

A harsh winter means that a warm spring will soon be here.

It means that if you get through the hard times, the good times will come.

