日本のお弁当文化 – Bento Culture in Japan –

“BENTO” という日本の言葉はもはや “MANGA” や “KARAOKE” と言った言葉と並んで外来語として海外でも広く使われている印象です。私が以前ロンドンに住んでいたとき、有名な百貨店でお弁当箱が “Bento Box” として売られていました。”Lunch Box” ではなくあえて Bento Box と表記するあたり、日本の「弁当」という言葉そのものの意味、そして外でランチを買うのではなく自分で用意したお弁当をうちから持って行くという日本の文化を反映しているようにも思えました。
The word “BENTO” has become a word that is used outside Japan just like “MANGA” or “KARAOKE.” When I was living in London, I saw a lunch box labeled Bento Box in a famous department store. I had an impression that the label reflected the Japanese culture by saying “bento” rather than the English word “lunch.”

Source: selfridges.com

Indeed, there are also many people who eat at canteens at school or work or buy lunch at a convenience store or takeaway stand. I guess, though, most people try to combine preparing their own lunch and buying in a shop so that they can economise when it is possible.

The typical Japanese bento includes different kinds of dishes and rice so it has a nutritional value. It also makes your stomach full and satisfied.

In recent years, more and more people are using their own lunch boxes and bottles in consideration of environmental issues. In my workplace back in my London days, I saw many of my colleagues would prepare their lunch in a container and putting it on a plate to eat.

The bento culture is not a new trend in Japan. It has a long history that started way before the environmental issues have arisen and it still continues now.

I used to have bento for lunch which my mother prepared for me every day as a student. For me, and I believe for many of the Japanese people too, bento is a memory, gratitude to parents, and consideration for the environment.

