Conjunctive から – Because, After, From –

Let’s review the conjunctive particle から.

We are going to look at 3 points today, which are Because, After, and From.


First of all, let’s look at the grammar point for Because.

Verb + から
Adjective + から

(Present tense verb + から) Because I will eat it later
/sono okashi ato de taberu kara teeburu no ue ni oite oite ne/
Please leave that snacks on the table because I will eat it later.

(Past tense verb + から) Because I have finished already
/kyoo wa moo shigoto ga owatta kara hayaku uchi ni kaeremasu/
I can go home earlier today because I have finished work already.

(I-Adjective present tense + から) Because it is thick
/kono hon wa atsu-i kara yomikiru no ni jikan ga kakarisoo desu/
It would take some time to finish reading this book because it is thick.

(I-Adjective past tense + から) Because it was delicious
/ano omise oishi-katta kara mata ikitai desu/
I would like to go back to that restaurant because it was nice (delicious).

(NA-Adjective present tense + から) Because it is quiet 
/kono heya wa shizuka da kara yoku nemuresoo desu/
I think I can sleep well because this room is very quiet.

(NA-Adjective past tense + から) Because it was useful 
/kono apuri no toraiaru o tsukatte mite benri datta kara kakin shimashita/
I have made a purchase of this app because I tried the trial and found it useful.


Let’s move on to the grammar point for After.

TE-form verb + から

野菜を洗ってから切ります。After washing 
/yasai o aratte kara kirimaru/
I wash the vegetables first and then cut them.

クライアントに電話をしてからミーティングに参加します。After calling 
/kuraianto ni denwa o shite kara miithingu ni sanka shimasu/
I will call my client first and then join the meeting. 

この店では、食券を買ってから席に座ってください。After buying
/kono mise de wa shokken o katte kara seki ni suwatte kudasai/
In this shop, please buy a food ticket first and then have a seat.


The last one is the grammar point for From. Using the form of Noun + から, we can describe the starting point of time, and also describe what something is made from.

Time reference + から
Ingredient or material + から

明日の会議は朝9時からです。From 9 am
/asu no kaigi wa asa ku-ji kara desu/
Tomorrow’s meeting starts at 9.

今日からダイエットをします。From today
/kyoo kara daietto o shimasu/
I will be on a diet from today.

3年前から日本語の勉強をしています。From 3 years before
/san-nen mae kara nihongo no benkyoo o shite imasu/
I have been studying Japanese since 3 years ago.

ワインはぶどうから作られています。From grapes
/wain wa budoo kara tsukurarete imasu/
Wine is made from grapes.

このスカートは古い着物からリメイクしたものです。From old kimono
/kono sukarno wa furu-i kimono kara rimeiku shita mono desu/
This skirt is a remake of an old kimono.

