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Plain & Polite Form Conjugations for Verbs

普通形 Dictionary form た-form (Past tense) ない-form (Negative form) なかった (Past tense negative form) Verb dictionary form to ...

Compare The Particles は And が

は indicates the TOPIC of a sentenceが indicates the SUBJECT of a verb Tips ① は:Indicates the topic or main idea of a sent...

Particle に

The particle に describes various meanings depending on the predicate. Place, spot, location, reaching point (at, in, on,...

Particle で

Location カフェでコーヒーを飲のみます。/kafe de koohii o nomimasu/I drink coffee at a café. 新宿しんじゅくで買かい物ものをします。/shinjuku de kaimono o s...

Particle を

Before we start, here is a quick note. The particle を is written "wo" or "o" in alphabet, and pronounced as "o" in speec...
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