About Christmas 2021








It will soon be Christmas. This year, due to COVID-19, it is difficult for us to visit my husband’s home country France, so we are planning to spend it together in Japan.

I think that for my husband in particular, Christmas is an important event that he spends with his family every year, so I think he will really miss seeing them this year. I miss them too.

I can’t see them in person, but I wanted to at least give them Christmas presents, so I decided to do my Christmas shopping in Japan and send them to France.

Then, about two weeks ago, I took the package to the post office. Then, the post office staff told me that due to COVID, the package would not arrive in France until January at the earliest. I was very shocked because the package was, of course, a Christmas present and I had hoped it would arrive before Christmas. I couldn’t bring this package back to my house anyways, so I told them I wanted to send it even if it would be next year.

And guess what, less than a week after I took the package to the post office in Japan, we got a call from my mother in-low in France saying that the package had arrived already! I had given up hope that it wouldn’t arrive before Christmas, so this was a pleasant surprise. Incidentally, the presents sent by my husband’s family from France also arrived in Japan within a week.

International mail, at this Christmas time of year and with the COVID disaster, seems to be responding quite quickly. I am very grateful for that.

What are your plans for Christmas this year?

Featured image by Ylanite Koppens

