Intransitive Verbs: 起こる VS 起きる

Let’s look at two verbs that might sound confusing and make you wonder which one to choose.


Point 1: Things or events happen

<Event> が起こる

例文 – Example sentences –

In recent years, there are petty crimes such as pickpocketing and theft in this area, so please be careful.

Let’s be careful and drive safely to avoid car accidents.

This town never has any incidents and is very calm.

「起こる」は、複合動詞として用いられている場合を除いた*ほとんどの場合に「起きる」と置き換えることができる。この「イベントの発生」の用法は、伝統的には「起こる」が持っていた用法である。しかし、現代では、「起きる」と「起こる」を本動詞として用いる場合はほとんど違いがない。*巻き起こる (Burst out)/わき起こる (Arise)/など
“Okoru” can be replaced with “Okiru” most of the time apart from the compound verbs such as 巻き起こる (Burst out) and わき起こる (Arise). The useage for “<Event> occurs” was traditionally described as “Okoru,” however, in modern Japanese, “Okiru” and “Okoru” have no major difference as long as the verb is used as a primary verb in a sentence.

「起こる」は、伝統的には、病気や災害などある状態・状況が発生するときに用いられてきました。つまり、主語は「出来事」です。しかし、もともとは「起こる」と言っていたところに「起きる」を使う場合がたいへん多くなっています。[…] 人間・動物専用だった「起きる」が、出来事の領域にまで意味を広げてきて、「起こる」は劣勢に立たされている、と言ってもよいでしょう。この変化はかなり昔から始まっているので、いまさら「昔の使い分けをしっかり守れ」と言っても、やや無理があります。ただし、いまでも「起こる」しか使えない場合もあります。たとえば、「サッカーブームが巻き起こる」や「拍手がわき起こる」などは、「巻き起きる」「わき起きる」とは言えません。
“Okoru” was traditionally used when describing the condition and situation such as illness and disaster. Therefore, the subject is primarily an “event.” However, in modern Japanese, it is often the case that “Okiru” is used instead of “Okoru.” […] “Okiru” used to be an useage for the action done only by a human or an animal, but it is now used for describing the events and “Okoru” is getting less and less to be used. This change hasn’t started only recently, so it’s not realisitc to go back and stick to the original rule and distinguish the useage of the two verbs. However, it is important to note that even modern Japanese, in some cases only “Okoru” can be used especially for the compound verbs such as 巻き起こる (Burst out) and わき起こる (Arise).

Point 2: Feeling or motivation occurs

<Feeling> or <motivation> が起こる

例文 – Example sentences –

I’ve been doing the same job for many years and I don’t feel motivated for it anymore.

Netflix is so interesting and I don’t want to study.

I passed the entrance exam for the university overseas, but somehow I didn’t feel so happy. I was rather sad to leave home in Japan.

Point 3: People praise or criticise something

<Act> が起こる

例文 – Example sentences –

After the performance of the last piece at the concert, there was huge applause so I played an encore.

There was booing towards the excessive statement.

There was a stir among the crowd in the auditorium.

Point 4: Unintentional symptoms or reactions occur

<Reaction> が起こる

例文 – Example sentences –

It is possible to cause a dangerous chemical reaction so please don’t mix these different types of liquid.

For now, there is no side-effect because of taking this medicine.

I got my knee checked in the hospital because it has been pitiful, and apparently there is inflammation.


Point 1: Unexpected situation or event occurs for the speaker

<Situation> or <event> が起きる

例文 – Example sentences –

There is a tapioca boom in Japan right now.

A miracle happened in the end. Japan won the match by 2-3!

Right now, demonstrations to appeal to global warming measures are happening all over the world.

Point 2: Feeling or motivation occurs

<Feeling> or <motivation> が起きる

例文 – Example sentences –

There are so many things that I have to do, but I feel so lazy.

Soon I will have to perform at a concert but have not much motivation to practice.

I was asked to go on a date quite a few times but I never felt that I wanted to go.

Point 3: People praise or criticise something

<Act> が起きる

例文 – Example sentences –

Big applause happened to praise the wonderful performance.

At a station right now, there is booing towards some politician for his speech.

The audience gave a shout of joy when a famous singer appeared.

Point 4: Unexpected reaction, symptoms, or phenomenon occurs

<Reaction>, <symptoms> or <phenomenon> が起きる

例文 – Example sentences –

Would there be any side effects if I take this medicine?

I don’t know what to do if Mount Fuji erupts.

It’s troublesome that I have a headache often.

In summary… if you look at the traditional usage of the verbs, in some cases you can distinguish between “Okoru” and ” Okiru.” However, in modern Japanese, there is no strict rule that you must stick to one, and the meaning of the two has no such difference, therefore they are interchangeable.

参考 (Reference): 国立国語研究所『基本動詞ハンドブック』(

Featured image by Александр Македонский from Pexels

