Sentence-ending Particles: か、の、な、ね、よ

The sentence-ending particles play a big role as they can change the meaning and nuance of a sentence substantially.

They express question, excitement, prohibition, admiration, wonder, wish, reminder, etc.

Let’s take a look!


You may know this one already! “か” particle at the end of a sentence turns it a question most of the time.

Verb in MASU form + か (?)

For example:

N3の教科書きょうかしょっています? Do you have a N3 textbook?

週末しゅうまつなにをします? What are you doing this weekend?

As you see, か particle goes together with the polite sentence (MASU form). In this case, the question mark is optional.

If you would like to ask casually, you can say like this:

N3の教科書、持ってる? Do you have a N3 textbook?

週末は何する? What are you doing this weekend?

Please note we often drop “を” particle in casual speech.

〜の【Informal question】

“の” also works as a question particle. However, unlike “か” particle, you can make informal questions with “の.”

Verb in plain form + の?

For example:

いまなにしてる? What are you doing now?

どこへ? Where are you going?

週末しゅうまつなにする? What are you doing this weekend?

それ、べない? Are you not eating that?

Here, I would like to mention a slight difference between these sentences below:

①週末は何するの? What will you do at the weekend? (Asking the listener’s plan for the weekend.)

②週末は何する? What will you do at the weekend? OR What shall we do at the weekend? (It could mean both, so you will understanding the meaning based on the context.)

〜な【Warning and Prohibition】

You often see “な” particle on the warning and prohibition.

Verb in dictionary form + な

For example:

踏切ふみきりをくぐる! Do not go through level crossings!

さけんだらくるま運転うんてんする!Do not drive a car if you’ve had a drink!

授業中じゅぎょうちゅう! Do not sleep during class!


“ね” particle can add the nuance of confirmation. It means such as “Isn’t it?” “Right?” or “OK?”

Verb, adjective, noun + ね

For example:

午後ごご1電車でんしゃ。(Polite: 午後1時の電車に乗ります。)I will catch the 1pm train, ok?

このピザ、美味おいしい。(Polite: このピザ、美味しいです。)This pizza is tasty, isn’t it?

いい天気てんき。(Polite: いい天気です。)It’s a nice weather, isn’t it?

〜よ【”I tell you what” “You know?”】

“よ” particle has the nuance of giving the listener a concrete information.

Verb + よ

I-adjective + よ

NA-adjective だ + よ

For example:

午後ごご1電車でんしゃ。(Polite: 午後1時の電車に乗ります。)I’ll be on the 1pm train.

このピザ、美味おいしい。(Polite: このピザ、美味しいです。)This pizza is good.

いい天気てんき。(Polite: いい天気です。)It’s a nice weather.

〜なぁ/〜なー【Admiration, wonder, wish】

Let’s look at another “な” particle.

Verb in たい-form + な (Wish)

Verb/adjective/noun + か + な (Wonder)

I-adjective + な (Admiration)

NA-adjective だ + な (Admiration)

This one is not about prohibition, this is about expressing admiration, wonder, or wish. Usually, we keep the vowel so it sounds more like なぁ or なー (2 moras) rather than な (one mora).

For example:

今日きょうさむなぁ。Ah, it’s cold today.

あのひと綺麗きれい。Wow, that person is beautiful.

明日あしたあめ。I wonder if it’s going to rain tomorrow.

はや日本にほんきたいなー。I wish I could go to Japan soon.

