【Short Story】母とお買い物 – Shopping with Mother –

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語彙 Vocabulary

●昼過ぎ(ひるすぎ)/hirusugi/ (n.) Afternoon
●久しぶりに(ひさしぶりに)/hisashiburi ni/ (adv.) For the first time in a long time
●気になる(きになる)/ki ni naru/ (v.) To feel inclined to
●寄る(よる)/yoru/ (v.) To pop in
●古着(ふるぎ)/furugi/ (n.) Used clothes
●ヴィンテージの /vinteeji no/ (adj.) Vintage
●目移りする(めうつりする)/meutsuri suru/ (v.) Many things catch one’s eye that it’s difficult to decide what to have
●試着する(しちゃくする)/shichaku suru/ (v.) To try some clothes on
●何となく(なんとなく)/nantonaku/ (exp.) Somehow, for some reason, for no particular reason
●満足する(まんぞくする)/manzoku suru/ (v.) To feel satisfied

文法 Grammar Points

▶︎Verb + (When … / If …)

 While I was working in my room, my husband brew some coffee and brought it to me.
 Once I stepped outside the building, it was hot and I got sweaty.
 This music makes me feel positive.
 If I don’t eat breakfast, I have no energy.

▶︎Quoted speech + (For casual speech, use “〜って“)
It’s similar to the use of quotation mark in English.

 I got a perfect score on the JLPT and my teacher praised me for a job well done.
 A friend asked me if I was free this weekend.

▶︎(つい)〜てしまう (Doing something unintentionally or unconsciously)
(つい +Verb て-form + しまう

 I saw a very beautiful person on the train and I couldn’t help but looked at her.
 I get too tired from work and always fall asleep on the train on the way home.

