Snow in Spring





It’s already late March, and yet to my surprise, it snowed on Tuesday this week. I thought the cherry blossoms had recently bloomed, but suddenly it feels like winter has reverted. The temperature in my area dropped to about 2 degrees Celsius!

I was in my room all morning that day, so I actually didn’t realise it was snowing. When the delivery man delivered the books I had ordered online, I opened the front door and that’s when I first noticed it. I am grateful to the delivery people for delivering my parcels on time even when it’s raining, windy or snowing.

Two years ago, it had snowed around this time of year as well. That year, the cherry blossoms were already pretty much in bloom, so we were able to see a rare collaboration of cherry blossoms and snow. The two seasons crossed over and it was very beautiful.

What is spring like in your country?

Featured image by Stacey Gabrielle Koenitz Rozells

