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Level N2 Meaning Something cannot be achieved unless ... is done first. Structure Verb て-form + からでないと Notes You can als...


Level N3 Meaning Do ... before the current state changes Structure Verb dictionary form + うちにVerb progressive (ている) form...


Level N2 Meaning Not only..., but also... Structure Verb plain form + 上うえにい-adjective + 上にな-adjective な + 上にNoun + の + 上...


Level N4 Meaning Quoted speech Structure Proper noun + とVerb plain form + とい-adjective + とな-adjective だ + とPhrase to quo...


Level N2 Meaning First of all, do... and then do... Structure Verb た-form + 上うえでNoun + の + 上で Notes Used in a formal sit...

動詞の意向形 – Verb Volitional Form –

Let's look at the verb volitional form. This is also called 〜う・よう-form(意向形いこうけい). 動詞の活用 - Verb conjugation - Group 1 (U-...


Level N2 Meaning A progressive change in one direction Structure Verb dictionary form + 一方いっぽうだ Notes Often used for a n...

動詞の使役受身形 – Verb Causative Passive Form –

Let's work on passive, causative, and causative passive forms! I will divide it into 3 posts to explain the grammar poin...

動詞の使役形 – Verb Causative Form –

Let's work on passive, causative, and causative passive forms! I will divide it into 3 posts to explain the grammar poin...

動詞の受身形 – Verb Passive Form –

Let's work on passive, causative, and causative passive forms! I will divide it into 3 posts to explain the grammar poin...
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