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Tutor's Diary

My Childhood Idols

Hello everyone! A while ago, my friend and I visited the Sailor Moon Exhibition at the Roppongi Museum. It runs between ...

Autumn Leaves 2022

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well wherever you are. Here in Tokyo, autumn leaves are so beautiful at the moment....

Kamakura Photo Diary

I've been meaning to share some photos from our short trip to Kamakura during Golden Week this year. Is it too late? I h...

Autumn Leaves 2020

晴れた日に友人と紅葉を見に行って来ました。I went to see some coloured leaves with my friend on a sunny day. 富士山もよく見えて、秋の美しい景色を楽しみました。We enjoy...

Oishi Park and Hana-Terrace

友達と、山梨県河口湖にある「大石公園」と「ハナテラス」という場所に行ってきました。I visited 'Oishi Park' and 'Hana-Terrace' in Kawaguchiko, Yamanashi with my fri...
Tutor's Diary

Staying Home + Sakura Strolls

不要不急の外出を控えるようになってから既に1ヶ月ほどが経ちました。家族にしか会っていないので友達が恋しいですが、毎日連絡を取り合って色々な話をしています。It has been about a month since I stopped g...
Tutor's Diary

Mount Fuji + Spring Stroll

Hello. I hope you are safe in this period of coronavirus outbreak. I have been very cautious myself while trying not to ...
Tutor's Diary

Plum Blossoms 2020

Here are just a few photos of the plum blossoms. They are beautifully blooming in my home garden in Japan.
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