Travel Phrases In Japanese: Restaurant And Café

Travel phrases in Japanese part 2: Restaurant and Café


すみません。[sumimasen] Excuse me.

ベジタリアンのメニューはありますか?[bejitarian no menyuu wa arimasu ka] Do you have something vegetarian?

これには何が入っていますか?[kore ni wa nani ga haitte imasu ka] What’s inside of this?

これをお願いします。[kore o onegai shimasu] I would like this, please.

*In most restaurants, staff will bring you a bill (伝票 [denpyoo] Bill)at the table once you have ordered. You would then bring this bill to a cashier (normally located at the entrance) and pay. In izakaya, you ask staff to get a bill for you once you finish eating and drinking, then pay at the table.

A model conversation you might have at a café

A: a staff
B: a customer (YOU)

A:いらっしゃいませ。店内でお召し上がりですか? [irasshaimase. tennai de omeshiagari desu ka] Hello. Are you staying here (or take away)?

B:はい。/持ち帰りでお願いします。[hai / mochikaeri de onegai shimasu] Yes. / I would like to take away.

A:かしこまりました。ご注文をお伺いします。[kashikomari mashita. gochuumon o oukagai shimasu] Certainly. Let me take your order.

B:〇〇のS/M/Lサイズをお願いします。[〇〇 no S/M/L saizu o onegai shimasu] I would like an S/M/L/ size 〇〇, please.

A:かしこまりました。以上で宜しいですか?[kashikomari mashita. ijoo de yoroshii desu ka] Certainly. Is that all for you?

B:はい。/あと、〇〇もお願いします。[hai. / ato 〇〇 mo onegai shimasu] Yes. / And can I also have 〇〇, please?

A:〇〇円でございます。[〇〇 en de gozaimasu] 〇〇 yen, please.

A:ポイントカードはお持ちですか?[pointo caado wa omochi desu ka] Do you have a loyalty card?

B:はい。/いいえ、ないです。[hai. / iie, nai desu] Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

A:お飲み物はあちらからお受け取りください。[onomimono wa achira kara ouketori kudasai] Please pick up your drink there.

A+B:ありがとうございます。[arigatoo gozaimasu] Thank you very much.

Café menu?
ブレンドコーヒー [burendo coohii] Blended brewed coffee
カフェラテ [kafe rate] Cafe latte
カプチーノ [kapuchiino] Cappuccino
エスプレッソ [esupuresso] Espresso
抹茶ラテ [maccha rate] Matcha latte
ソイラテ [soi rate] Soy latte

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