Unstaffed Vegetable Stand

If you have been to or lived in Japan, you might have seen unstaffed stands or shops.

I have seen it a few times in the countryside but had never bought anything before. I finally did the other day so I would like to share about it!

ヤサイ – /yasai/ “Vegetables” written with branches!

The vegetables directly come from the nearby fields.

At this little farmer’s vegetable stand, I found green peppers, aubergines, and small green peppers this time.

50 yen for a bag of small green peppers (シシトウ /shishitoo/).

You put the amount in a small box provided and pick the product from the basket.

Super fresh!

I stir-fried them with olive oil, salt, and pepper. It was delicious! Will definitely buy more when I pass the vegetable fields again.

Featured image by Wendy Wei: https://www.pexels.com/photo/assorted-vegetables-1656666/

